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The EP opens with “Ashes” by the capital producer Badmoiselle, a track inspired by one of the charmed potions of the witches of Macbeth. Distant melodies, hypnotic percussion, delirious and lethargic synthesizers, envelop you in this new potion that adds Mexican ingredients and revives the racial intolerance of the original poem. Mystery Affair, meanwhile, takes the track to a more aggressive place with sharp drums, acid sounds, chopped vocals and strident synths that keep you in a trance-like state.


Release Date

September 24, 2021


Ashes Remix

Badmoiselle, Mystery Affair


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Et delectus accusamus pri. Pro ea suas veni docendi. Nec alii legere menandri an, eos duis novum ed sapientem at nec an idque conse quuntur.

Jake Bell

Ne est omnes nostro utroque, id bonorum deserunt mei. Ei sed vide solet, ex sea diam eripuit dissentiunt, in vidi eam idque labores sit dulas andi.

Willa Nice